Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Exegetical Adventures

The past few weeks, I've had the pleasure of helping out some promising, young Greek exegetes. During my time as a student at Briercrest College, I found there was no task I enjoyed more than a good exegetical paper. It's fun to get buried in good books, and to get lost on journal article hunts, and to have an excuse to read Greek all day long. Now that I've graduated (and am taking very few classes -- just 'interest' stuff now), I've found it to be an even more greatly enjoyable task to turn around and help younger Greek students with their exegetical pursuits. Maybe this sounds like a horrible way to spend time to some people... but I've had a lot of fun spending some hours with a handful of Greek students who were in the midst of writing their very first exegetical papers. (That is a very special time!) It was fun to show them how to make good use of lexicons, grammars, theological dictionaries, and divinely-provisioned software like Bibleworks. Somehow I get a big kick out of all this. Helping hungry minds discover the fun in exegesis is like the can of spinach to this Pop-Eye. Maybe one day I can even be paid to do this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Luke, you're a blogging machine again! I hope you manage to keep this up, because I really enjoy reading about all your geek exploits... I mean greek exploits.
In all seriousness though, I'd love to read some of the papers you've done in the past few years - if you wouldn't mind emailing/posting them. While I haven't touched my greek stuff in a couple years, I still find it to be fascinating/enlightening.