Saturday, July 7, 2007

A World Away

Today's post isn't an "Amazing Adventure," but rather testament to my solitudedness. On Thursday morning, Jenn drove off to Winnipeg to catch a plane to Montreal. One of the bridesmaids from our wedding six weeks ago is getting married TODAY! I write this at 10:04am Saskatchewan time, so I suppose that would be just past noon in Montreal. Not long now, Liz.

Anyways, I watched my wife drive away two days ago, and it was a weird feeling. It was a strange alone feeling. You see, every morning, Jenn gets up at 6:15 with me and makes breakfast while I get ready for work. She packs me a snack, sees me out the door, and waves through the window as I walk off to work. (One of the unmarried guys at work finds this amusing and jealousy-inspiring -- especially when I told him one morning that Jenn made pancakes for breakfast! "Pancakes?! She made you pancakes?! Man! I want your wife!" he exclaimed. He even offered to give me a few "draft picks" --- ie: girlfriend selections --- in return, but I quickly and kindly affirmed that I wasn't interested in trading Jenn in, thank-you.) It's nice to come home from a hot day of grounds work to our little apartment knowing that there is somebody waiting to welcome me. It's fun having a wife. You've always got somebody with whom you can share stories, and eat with, and watch Smallville during supper.

This is probably the sappiest blog I've ever written, but after a month and some of being married, you really get used to the whole thing, and it feels very strange to be by yourself. I hope you're enjoying Montreal, Jenn, but come home soon! I'll be waiting.

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