Friday, October 9, 2009


Well, that was fast... Fall doesn't ever seem to stick around too long in Saskatchewan. As my friend Paul always says, it should rather be called "Blow" for the way it's hot one week, then incredibly windy for a couple of days, and then suddenly Fall is over. The picture above is the view from our patio door. October 9, 8:45am.

The first snow actually came yesterday. I was at work, north of Moose Jaw by 30 minutes, and around 2pm, snowflakes the size of Loonies were falling so thick that we could hardly see 20 feet in front of us!

I'm still holding on to some optimism because there are still some leaves on the trees. But out there in the wind, they look like they are shivering, and about ready to give up... And with highs of -5 C for the next while, that doesn't really shout out "Summer is coming back!"

Anyway, Winter brings other things to our lives that aren't bad at all. It's a time to sit inside and watch hockey, to order books and read them, and to be even more glad than I usually am that I live indoors.

If it's Winter where you are, take care and bundle up! It might be here to stay!

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